Friday 24 June 2011


Hello everyone.

I was going to write a really in-depth, fascinating and insightful football blog. But...I don't really know that much. Don't get me wrong, I know a bit about football, and I watch a fair bit of it, but I'm not Jonathan Wilson, or Michael Cox or Ian King. So, I've decided to write a football blog that's mostly about me. I do self-obsession quite well, you see – I mean, just count how many times I've used “I” in this paragraph. Hopefully I'll become a bit more stylistically aware given time and practice.

I'm going to write mostly about matches I watch, and seeing as I mostly watch stuff on my computer thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I'm generally dipping in and out of matches. So it'll be somewhat bitty, but you might get to read about what I had for dinner as well (clue: as I write this I'm on a diet so it might not be terribly interesting unless you're fascinated by fishcakes). Hope to segue from tuna salad into Moussa Sissoko at least once this season.

Have you ever segued from tuna salad into Moussa Sissoko? Exactly.

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